
The Sidas World Foundation committed to the preservation of the Vercors Forests (Grenoble area).

Forêt Vercors

To help preserve France’s forests heritage, the Sidas World Foundation has teamed up with the Sylv’acctes association.

Logo Sylv'acctes

Created in 2022, the Sidas World Foundation is already involved in the preservation of the French forest, alongside the ONF's Agir pour la forêt fund, with a first project on the slopes of Mont Ventoux.

In 2023, the Sidas World Foundation intends to consolidate its commitment in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region by supporting the Sylv'ACCTES association for the next 3 years. The Foundation has chosen to support Sylv'ACCTES in the preservation of the forest heritage and more specifically in the forest of the Vercors massif.

Created in 2015, this association, which is recognised as being of public interest, helps to build the forests of tomorrow by financing forestry actions that systematically have a positive impact on the climate, biodiversity and landscapes, and by implementing programs at territorial level.

In many French forests, the lack of funding has led to clear-cutting, ageing and standardization. The result is a significant loss of biodiversity and the vulnerability of these forests to climate change.

The solution is to support foresters who manage their forests for environmental services other than timber production.

This justifies financial support for the implementation of this virtuous management approach. That's why Sylv'ACCTES helps to finance virtuous forestry initiatives by mobilising funds from companies, individuals and local authorities.

Created in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Sylv'ACCTES is now present in Occitanie, Grand Est, and soon in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Ile de France, and has supported nearly 7,000 hectares of forestry work, directly contributing to the conservation of these ecosystems while guaranteeing wood production. One of the distinctive features of Sylv'ACCTES is the scale of its work, which guarantees consistency with local expectations, transparency of approach and ownership of the method by local actors. As a result, the silvicultural actions carried out are adapted to each massif.

In the Vercors massif, for example, three forestry challenges have been identified: maintaining the irregular structure of the beech-fir stands (which are now the main forest formation in the Vercors, covering almost 50,000 ha), improving the beech stands and renewing the spruce stands in the montane zone.

More than 250 hectares of work have already been carried out on this massif:

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