Sidas World

€10,000 for Handicap International thanks to the KIPLIN Challenge

Handicap International

Our annual summer party at Basecamp on the 6th July was an opportunity to congratulate the winners of the KIPLIN Challenge and hand over the cheque to Handicap International.

Challenge KIPLIN


From 17 April to 1 May, the KIPLIN Every Step Counts challenge took place, with the aim of collecting steps to reach the 10 Sidas World offices and, at the end of the game, make a donation to Handicap International.

Sidas World employees got into the spirit of the game with a 96% participation rate. Together we covered almost 17,700 km, connecting the 10 Sidas World offices and raising €10,000 for Handicap International.

Congratulations to all and especially to the 3 winning teams:

  • Yokohama Bombers
  • Keep Line 

 We used the evening to present a cheque for €10,000 to Handicap International, giving them the opportunity to remind us of their work around the world.

Handicap International works to help people with disabilities and vulnerable people in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster.


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